Garbage & Recycling

Managing Waste, One Bin At A Time!

The Alberni-Clayoquot Regional District (ACRD) provides waste collection, which services the Tofino community. The ACRD prescribes collection fees, times of service and allowable materials.

The District of Tofino does not collect payment or run this service; however, all Tofino residents must comply with the regulations stated in the Garbage & Recyclable Materials Collection and Regulation Bylaw No. 1070.

Unpaid garbage and recycling fees will be transferred to the associated property taxes if payment is not made to ACRD by December 31 of each year.

Be Bear Aware

The District of Tofino's Wildlife Attractant Bylaw aims to prevent garbage and other materials from becoming wildlife attractants.

Learn more about how residents & businesses can coexist peacefully with our wildlife neighbours.

Collection Schedule

Are you unsure about the schedule for putting out your garbage, organics, and recycling? Take advantage of the convenient tool below to easily locate your collection days. By staying informed, you can ensure that your waste is picked up on time.

Schedules are also available from Ozzard Environmental.

