Electric Bikes and E-Mobility Devices

Stay safe on the MUP!

The District of Tofino has recently created a policy related to electric bike (e-bike) and other electric mobility (e-mobility) device use on the Multi-Use Path (MUP). The policy is aligned with Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure regulations and was developed with input from the community.

The MUP is the 8.8-km paved, multi-use paved path that connects Tofino’s town centre with its beaches and neighbourhoods.


Allowing e-bikes and e-mobility devices on the MUP supports the District's goals to:

-Encourage active transportation and social connections
-Promote healthy lifestyles
-Support equitable and accessible transportation
-Decrease parking and traffic congestion
-Protect air quality and the natural environment
-Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from private automobile use
-Maintain Tofino’s community character for residents and visitors

The District's primary concern is the safety of all pedestrians and riders on the MUP.

Tofino Multi Use Path signage

What is allowed on the MUP?

Permitted on the MUP


-Pets on leash

-People-powered / non-motorized pedal bikes, kick/push scooters, skateboards, etc. 

-Electric bikes, including adaptive bikes: 2 or 3-wheeled bikes with pedals, an electric motor, max. power of 500 watts, and max. speed of 32 km/h

-Electric mobility devices for people with disabilities: electric wheelchair or mobility scooter 

NOT permitted on the MUP

-Gas-powered vehicles

-Other electric devices not permitted by MOTI/ICBC on public roads and sidewalks: electric motorized skateboards or electric kick scooters; electric bikes with maximum power greater than 500 watts or maximum speed than 32 km/h

-Limited-speed motorcycles: mopeds or scooters (including those with electric motors)

Questions or concerns about MUP rules and safety? Contact Bylaw Services

Additional Details

E-Bikes & E-Devices on Beaches

Tofino beaches are wide open spaces that can also be enjoyed by bike as well as by foot. However, sand and bicycle drivetrains don’t go well together. Follow bike shop rules if you are renting a bike. Please also be respectful of shorebirds and other beach wildlife.


Monitoring & Feedback

Questions or concerns about MUP rules and safety? The District of Tofino is monitoring feedback and will consider adjustments as needed. Please reach out to ac.onifot@secivresetaroproc with any questions or concerns.