Maps & Zoning

Where in the world?

It can be confusing to understand how and why different areas are zoned as they are. The process is fairly straightforward.

In a nutshell, the Official Community Plan (OCP) is created with the input and engagement of citizens of Tofino. It establishes a vision and guidelines for municipal land use planning. The OCP, combined with community sustainability and resilience goals, directly informs the formation of (or changes to) Zoning Bylaws.

The Zoning Bylaws regulate how land, buildings and other structures may be used. They are the end result of the Official Community Planning process.

GIS Public Portal

Our Public Portal is a web-based application that lets you view data about the District of Tofino in map form.

The District's GIS (Geographical Information Systems) gathers information and data from various sources and constructs detailed map layers for you to view and print out.

Portal Features

  • Zoning information
  • Property lines
  • DP Areas
  • OCP Areas
  • Street addresses
  • Google Street View
  • Legal lot numbers and plans
  • PID Numbers (Parcel Identification)
  • Trails
  • Tsunami safe zones
  • Parking

Terms of Use

By accessing the Public Portal information, you agree to these Terms of Use. The District of Tofino does not warrant or guarantee that the Portal's content is current or accurate. You acknowledge that the District of Tofino is not responsible for the accuracy or reliability of the information contained in or obtained from the Public Portal. You are solely responsible for confirming the content with the relevant primary source of information. You agree to use the Public Portal solely for personal and private purposes and will not sell or licence its information, or operate a service bureau using the Portal, or otherwise use, reproduce, publish or disseminate the Public Portal for commercial purposes, directly or indirectly, without the prior written consent of the District of Tofino and the holder of applicable copyrighted information. These Terms of Use may be changed for any reason and at any time without notice to you.


Planning Services
