Notice of Intent to Issue an Operational Certificate 110053 Under the Provisions of the Environmental Management Act

Posted: Jul 18, 2024   |   By: Communications

Take notice that the Director intends to issue OPERATIONAL CERTIFICATE 110053 to the District of Tofino for the Municipal Wastewater Treatment Facility located at 620 Industrial Way, Tofino, BC. The Operational Certificate complies with the Liquid Waste Management Plan last updated and approved by the Minister in 2018. The Operational Certificate will be issued a minimum of 30 days after the last date of publication of this notice.

The Operational Certificate authorizes the discharge of secondary treated and disinfected municipal sewage to the marine environment of Duffin Passage. The discharge will replace the existing untreated municipal sewage discharge at the same location.

A digital copy of the draft Operational Certificate will be made available upon request to Simon Kirkland, District of Tofino’s Manager of Infrastructure and Capital Projects, at ac.onifot@dnalkriks. A Physical copy may be viewed at District of Tofino’s Municipal Office at 121 third St., Tofino, BC between 9 AM-12 PM and 1 PM-4 PM, Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.

Any comments regarding the proposed Operational Certificate must be sent to Simon Kirkland, District of Tofino’s Manager of Infrastructure and Capital Projects, at ac.onifot@dnalkriks with a copy to the Director’s designate (Melanie Mamoser, ac.cb.vog@resomam.einalem) within 30 days after the last date of publication of this notice. The identity of any respondents and the contents of anything submitted in relation to this application will become part of the public record.

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