Business Opportunities

Bid Opportunities

The District of Tofino provides fair, equitable competitive bid opportunities to the business community to acquire supplies, services, assets, and infrastructure that provide the best overall value.

If you have an inquiry regarding a specific bid opportunity, contact the individual(s) listed in the tender or proposal forms.

Current Bid Opportunities

Project Name: Emergency Notification & Outreach Plan: Crisis Communications

Project Summary: The objective of this RFP is to develop a comprehensive crisis communications plan that enhances the District of Tofino's ability to deliver timely, clear, and coordinated messaging during emergencies. The plan will identify communication channels and standard operating procedures, including a threshold matrix for their utilization. It will outline EOC activation levels, roles, and responsibilities, with a focus on the Information Officer's role, protocols for approval and release of information, and regional communication flow. A detailed Information Officer Guide will be created to provide checklists, social media and call centre templates, press release frameworks, and trauma-informed messaging strategies to support crisis communications from immediate response through the first 72 hours. Additionally, the plan will include an Emergency Support Services (ESS) Support Guide to ensure effective communication with evacuees and partners, and detailed contact lists for operational, hazard-specific, and emergency circumstances.

Closing Date: February 3, 2025, at 4 PM

Contact: Hilary O’Reilly, Emergency Program Coordinator | ac.onifot@yllieroh

Details (PDF)

Disposition of Public Assets
