Coastal Fire Centre Rescinds Campfire Prohibition

Posted: Aug 27, 2024   |   By: Communications

Starting at 12 PM on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, the Category 1 campfire prohibition in the Coastal Fire Centre area, which includes Tofino, will be lifted.

This decision by the Coastal Fire Centre follows a period of cooler temperatures and rainfall, which have reduced the fire danger. Residents and visitors are reminded to exercise extreme caution when lighting any campfire to ensure safety and compliance with all regulations.

As campfires will now be allowed, it is essential to understand the specific rules that apply within the District of Tofino:

Camp & Beach Fires:

  • A campfire is defined as any fire smaller than 0.5 metres high by 0.5 metres wide and must not be larger than 24 inches in diameter.
  • Must not consume beach materials (such as driftwood), garbage, or any noxious materials.
  • Must be contained in a Clean Burning or Reduced Smoke Fire Appliance.
  • Beach fires are permitted only on Mackenzie and Chesterman Beaches between 8 AM and 10 PM.
  • Fires directly on the beach are not permitted. Only elevated wood and propane fires are allowed.

What is a Clean Burning or Reduced Smoke Fire Appliance?:

  • Uses propane or dry firewood.
  • Raised off the ground.
  • Allows air to be introduced either mechanically or through ventilation openings.

Residents should also remember the following key points about campfires:

  • Never light a campfire or keep it burning in windy conditions. Weather can change quickly, and the wind may carry embers to other combustible materials.
  • Maintain a fireguard around your campfire. This is a fuel-free area where all flammable materials (grass, leaves, kindling, etc.) have been removed right down to the soil.
  • Never leave a fire unattended.
  • Ensure that any fire is completely extinguished and the ashes are cold to the touch before leaving the area for any length of time.

While campfires are now permitted, it is important to note that Category 2 and Category 3 open fires remain prohibited. This includes the use of:

  • Fireworks
  • Sky lanterns
  • Binary exploding targets
  • Burn barrels, burn cages, and air curtain burners

These restrictions will stay in effect until October 31, 2024, or until further notice.

For more information, please check the fire prohibitions and regulations here.

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