Limits to Growth Policy

Posted: Aug 14, 2024   |   By: Communications

The District of Tofino Council and Staff are developing a Limits to Growth Policy in response to the Water Master Plan received earlier this year. This policy is being created to address the challenge of maintaining a reliable water supply during the busy summer months when both tourism and drier weather increase demand on our water system.

The Limits to Growth Policy will:

Guide Development: Manage and direct Tofino's growth over the next 5 to 10 years while the District secures an additional water source. This effort will be informed by the Alternative Water Source Feasibility Study, which is expected later this year.

Balance Development and Risk: Determine how much additional water use can be permitted based on the needs for development, such as housing, and the risks to the community, including economic impacts and fire safety.

Prioritize Water Use: Allocate water consumption according to priorities outlined in key planning documents, such as the Official Community Plan (OCP) and the Affordable Housing Needs Assessment (AHNA).

Evaluate Development Applications: Assess potential development projects to ensure they align with the goals and conditions set by the Limits to Growth Policy.

Track Water Allocation: Monitor water use at different stages of development, including rezonings, subdivisions, Development Permits, Building Permits, and Occupancy Permits.

For more information on the Limits to Growth Policy, residents are encouraged to visit Talk Tofino.

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