Now Available: 2024-2026 Strategic Plan

Posted: Aug 5, 2024   |   By: Communications

The District of Tofino Council is pleased to announce the release of the 2024-2026 Strategic Plan.

This document serves as a roadmap to achieve Council’s vision for the community and to keep the organization focused on the future. It guides the allocation of financial and human resources and provides a touchstone for staff as Council fulfills its responsibilities on behalf of the community. The plan helps align decision-making with strategic goals and holds Council accountable to Tofino citizens. Additionally, the Strategic Plan is used as a tool to track and measure progress throughout Council’s term in office.

The 2024-2026 Strategic Plan outlines six primary goals to guide Council’s priorities:

Water Security: To ensure the District has a safe, secure, and sufficient supply of water.

Housing: To ensure the availability and affordability of safe and secure housing that meet the diverse needs of our residents.

Stewardship of Natural Assets: To ensure that our valued green spaces and other natural assets are preserved and enhanced for future generations.

Community Recreation: To prioritize the establishment of community recreation facilities which serve the District of Tofino.

Relationships with Our Partners: To combine efforts and collaborate with community partners in order to advance common goals and objectives.

Advocacy: To develop effective relationships and have a strong seat at the table with Provincial and Federal governments so that we are better positioned to advocate for our critical priorities.

Residents are encouraged to read the full 2024-2026 Strategic Plan

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