Short-Term Rental Regulations

Understanding Short-Term Rentals in Tofino

*This page was updated on February 11, 2025, to reflect ongoing updates from the Province of British Columbia regarding the Short-Term Rental Registry and Legislation. To view previous versions of this page, please contact ac.onifot@snoitacinummoc


For information on the Province of British Columbia’s Short-Term Rental Legislation, please scroll down to the next section of this page or click here.


The District of Tofino is dedicated to ensuring a balanced approach to accommodating visitors while preserving the quality of life for residents. The District of Tofino has specific bylaws related to short-term rental operations. The regulations in these bylaws help protect long-term rental housing stock and reduce disturbances while allowing owners to participate in the local tourism economy.

Zoning Bylaw No. 770, 1996 regulates which properties may be eligible for a short-term rental, bed and breakfast, guest-house, or temporary accommodation use, and specific conditions that must be met to qualify for that use. For more information on Zoning in Tofino, click here.

Business Licence Regulation Bylaw No. 1239, 2022 establishes the requirements for any business operating within the District of Tofino. All businesses operating in the District of Tofino must apply for and maintain a Business Licence and ensure it is displayed in a prominent place in their business.

Section 7.2 of the Business Licence Regulation Bylaw also establishes specific requirements for short-term rental operations, including but not limited to:

  • A maximum of 3 bedrooms for guests
  • No more than 6 overnight guests at one time, including children and visitors
  • A Permanent Resident must live at the premises
  • A Permanent Resident or licenced property manager must, at any time guests are staying on the premises, be present in Tofino and available to respond to guests or law enforcement within 2 hours
  • Provide copies of the Good Neighbour Guide and Water Conservation Information to all guests

The District of Tofino reviews all business licence applications and renewals to confirm compliance with District bylaws. A District of Tofino Business Licence serves as a certificate of compliance with these bylaws based on the information provided at the time of the application.

For more information on Business Licencing, click here.

These bylaws are enforced by District of Tofino Bylaw Services. Please contact Bylaw Services directly if you are concerned about a short-term rental that may be out of compliance with District of Tofino Bylaws.

Province of British Columbia’s Short-Term Rental Legislation

Timeline: Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act

October 26, 2023

Bill 35 - the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act (the "STRAA") was passed in the British Columbia Provincial Parliament. The STRAA introduced the following:

  • A province-wide short-term rental registry
  • The requirement that short-term rental hosts, platforms and strata hotel platforms in B.C. must register and pay annual registration fees
  • The removal of legal non-conforming use of property protections for short-term rentals throughout the province.

The STRAA also introduced the Principal Residence Requirement, provided exemptions, and provisions for exempt local governments to opt-in to the principal residence requirement.


March 12, 2024

At the March 12, 2024, Regular Council Meeting, District of Tofino Council voted to opt-in to the Principal Residence Requirement outlined in the Province of British Columbia's Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act, to take effect November 1, 2024.


May 1, 2024

The Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act came into effect throughout the Province of British Columbia.

The Province of British Columbia established a Compliance and Enforcement Unit (CEU) within the Short-Term Rental Branch in the Ministry of Housing and Municipal Affairs. The role of the CEU is to enforce compliance with provincial legislation, such as Bill 35, including the Principal Residence Requirement.


November 1, 2024

The provincial Principal Residence Requirement came into effect for local governments that opted-in before March 31, 2024.


January 20, 2025

The Province of British Columbia launched the registry for short-term rental hosts, platforms, and strata hotel platforms in B.C.

For information about how to register, registration fees, early registration discounts, and compliance and enforcement timelines, visit: Register as a host - Province of British Columbia


The District of Tofino can only offer limited information about provincial legislation. If you have questions about B.C.'s short-term rental legislation and how it may affect specific rentals, please contact the ServiceBC Contact Centre at 1-833-828-2240 or email ac.cb.vog@yrtsigerRTS.

For further inquiries or clarifications on short-term rental regulations within the District of Tofino, please contact the Planning Services.