
Water & Sewer Utilities

The District of Tofino is committed to providing residents and businesses with reliable and sustainable water and sewer services. District water and sewer systems are essential for maintaining public health, supporting economic development, and ensuring environmental sustainability.

For more details on the various elements of water & sewer utilities throughout the District of Tofino, click the boxes below to navigate to the applicable topic.

Water & Sewer Rates

As of January 1, 2025, the District of Tofino implemented a 4% increase on water and sewer utility rates.

Key Reasons For The Rate Increases

  1. Revenue Sufficiency: The previous rates were not sufficient to cover the total cost of operating and maintaining the District's water and sewer systems. The new rates will help the District achieve necessary revenue targets without relying on financial reserves.
  2. Increased Operating Costs: With the new Wastewater Treatment Plant coming online in September 2024, there was an increase of 89% to the District's sewer operating expenses. The rate increase will help cover these additional costs.
  3. Elimination of Seasonal Rates: To provide more stability in revenue and better manage cash flow throughout the year, the District has eliminated seasonal rates. The new rate structure smooths out income over 12 months, reducing variability.

Details of the Rate Changes

The rate structure includes both fixed and variable charges:

  • Fixed Charges: These are based on the size of your water meter and reflect the cost of providing service to your property. Larger meters have higher fixed charges, as they typically indicate higher demand on the system.
  • Variable Charges: These are based on the amount of water you use. The more water you use, the higher your bill will be. This approach encourages water conservation and ensures that higher consumers pay their fair share.

Understanding Your Utility Bill

Refer to the applicable tables below to help you understand your utility bill. These tables contain fixed charges, determined by the size of your water meter, and variable charges, based on your water usage.

These rates are effective as of January 1, 2025.

If you have difficulties reading or accessing the tables, click the appropriate class below for a list of applicable rates.

Residential Class

Commercial & Other Class

Fire Flow Class

Water Rates

Sewer Rates

Receiving Utility Bills

Your utility bill is issued every three months and is typically mailed out two weeks following the conclusion of the billing period. Below are the billing periods for the calendar year:

  • Period 1: January 1 - March 31

  • Period 2: April 1 - June 30

  • Period 3: July 1 - September 30

  • Period 4: October 1 - December 31

Paying Utility Bills

Your utility bills can be paid using various convenient methods, such as those listed below. For more details on how to pay your utility bills, visit Making A Payment.

  • Mail

  • In Person at Municipal Hall

  • Online

  • Telephone

Review High Water Usage

If you notice higher-than-expected water usage on your bill, here’s what you can do:

  • Check For Leaks

    Inspect your home and property for any leaks. If you spot an underground leak outdoors, contact the District of Tofino Public Works department immediately.

  • Monitor Usage

    Review your water usage habits and see if there are any changes or spikes.

  • Report Issues

    If you suspect a billing error or cannot find the cause of high usage, contact the District of Tofino.

Are you looking for ways to save on your water bill? Visit the District of Tofino Water Conservation page, which includes a wide range of water conservation tips & resources for residences, businesses, & visitors.