Wastewater Treatment Plan Sewage Tie-Ins

Posted: Aug 8, 2024   |   By: Communications

The District of Tofino wishes to inform residents about scheduled sewage tie-ins for the Wastewater Treatment Plant.

This work will happen daily from August 12 to August 27, 2024, in areas between Industrial Way and downtown Tofino.

Some work will be done at night when sewage flows are lower, but most will happen during the day. Residents can expect traffic delays of up to 10 minutes at times at various locations throughout the impacted area. There will be no disruptions to water service.

When this work is completed, all sewage in Tofino will now be routed to the new wastewater treatment plant. This means Tofino will start treating raw sewage, which will end the decades-long practice of discharging untreated effluent into the marine environment – a significant milestone for the community.

For more details on the Wastewater Treatment Plant, visit Talk Tofino.

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