Advisory Committees
Providing Input and Insight
The District of Tofino Council establishes committees and commissions to obtain advice and expertise from people other than Council members and District staff. Committees allow for a more detailed examination of matters than is typically possible in the more formal environment of a Council meeting. Other District bodies, such as the Board of Variance, are mandated by provincial legislation to carry out specific functions.
Becoming a Volunteer Member
Each fall, the District recruits interested members of the public to fill vacancies in its committees, commissions, and other bodies. Council reviews applications, and appointments are made in December.
Attending Meetings
Members of the public are welcome to attend all meetings of District committees and commissions. Portions of meetings may be closed to the public when sensitive or confidential information is being considered. The authority to close meetings is limited to only those circumstances outlined in Section 90 of the Community Charter.
Committees, Commissions & Other Bodies
Standing Committees
Standing committees are established, and members appointed by the Mayor for matters the Mayor considers are best dealt with by committee. Standing committees administer a continuous responsibility that is not related to accomplishing a specific, one-time task. Members of the public and organization representatives may be appointed to standing committees. Under provincial legislation, at least half the members must be Council members.
Select Committees
Select committees are established, and members appointed by Council to consider or inquire into a specific matter and report their findings and opinion to Council. Typically, select committees are established for a limited time and cease to exist after reporting out. Members of the public and organization representatives may be appointed to select committees. Under provincial legislation, at least one member must be a Council member.
Commissions are established and members appointed by Council to operate municipal services, manage municipal property and licenses, and enforce municipal regulations.
Statutory Bodies
Councils are required or mandated by the province to establish certain bodies to carry out specific legislation's specific roles and responsibilities.
Accessibility Committee
Type: Statutory
The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice and make recommendations to Council on matters related to accessibility within the municipal boundaries of the District of Tofino. In accordance with its general purpose, the Committee will develop an accessibility plan to identify and prevent barriers to people with disabilities and will also develop a public feedback mechanism which establishes a process for receiving comments from the public on the accessibility plan and local barriers.
Who We Are
The Committee will consist of five (5) voting members as follows:
- One (1) member of Council to serve as Chair, with one alternate
- One (1) member from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation
- Three (3) members who are persons with disabilities or individuals who support or represent persons with disabilities
How It Works
The Committee must ensure advice and recommendations are consistent with District plans, policies, and strategies as they are introduced and amended from time to time. The Committee may also request the Committee staff liaison to develop specific engagement opportunities through dedicated platforms such as Talk Tofino, social engagement campaigns or to organize in-person community feedback events in relation to Committee functions and purposes.
- The Committee will meet a minimum of once a month or as determined by the Committee while developing the plan.
- After the plan is received by Council, the Committee will meet periodically as needed to meet the requirement to review and update the plan at least once every three (3) years.
Audit Committee
Type: Standing
The role of the Audit Committee is to advise Tofino Council and District staff on matters related to the District's financial functions. The Committee reviews the audited annual financial statements, the District's auditing processes and systems of internal controls, and reconsiders complaints about its financial practices.
Who We Are
The Audit Committee is made up of three Council members appointed each December annually by the Mayor. The District's Chief Administrative Officer and Director of Financial Services serve as staff liaisons.
The Committee meets at the call of the Chair on an as-needed basis.
Board of Variance
Type: Statutory
The role of the Board of Variance is to consider applications for variances to the District's Zoning Bylaw where compliance with applicable bylaws or legislation would cause hardship. The Board functions independently from Council and operates under the authority of the Local Government Act.
Who We Are
The Board of Variance is made up of three members of the public appointed by Tofino Council. The District Planner serves as staff liaison.
How It Works
A local government that has adopted a zoning bylaw must establish a board of variance to allow people to request relief from provisions of that bylaw.
As an alternative to applying for a Development Variance Permit from Council, a person may apply to the Board of Variance if they feel that compliance with the zoning bylaw would cause them hardship. For example, if an outcrop in a person's yard prevented them from sitting the house in conformity with the normal setbacks, that person could apply for a variance.
The Board may grant a variance if they find that compliance with a regulatory bylaw would cause undue hardship and have considered the following factors and are of the opinion that the variance does not:
- Result in inappropriate development of the site
- Adversely affect the natural environment
- Substantially affect the use and enjoyment of adjacent land
- Vary permitted uses and densities
- Defeat the intent of the bylaw
The Board meets at the call of the Chair on an as-needed basis.
How To Apply
Before applying to the Board of Variance, you should review your plans and drawings with the District’s Community Sustainability Department to determine if a variance is required for building permit approval.
The application fee and process are outlined in the Board of Variance Bylaw No. 1010, 2005.
Board of Variance Appeals
A decision made by the Board of Variance is final.
Design Review Panel
Type: Select
The role of the Design Review Panel is to advise Council on the design merits of Development Permit Applications submitted under Section 5.1 (Tourism Focus Development Permit Area) and Section 5.2 (Downtown Commercial Core and Gateway Development Permit Area) of the Official Community Plan.
Who We Are
The Design Review Panel is established and its members appointed by the Tofino Council. The Panel consists of six members:
- One Council member
- Five members of the public
The District's Manager of Community Sustainability serves as staff liaison.
The Panel meets at the call of the Chair on an as-needed basis.
Emergency Program Executive Committee
Type: Select
District of Tofino Emergency Program Bylaw No. 1246, 2018 establishes the District of Tofino Emergency Management Organization in order to develop and implement emergency plans and other preparedness, response and recovery measures for emergencies and disasters within the District of Tofino.
The Executive Committee serves as an advisory body to Council and is responsible for making recommendations regarding budget, policy, training and infrastructure needs for emergency preparedness.
The purpose of the Executive Committee is to:
- Provide strategic direction and oversight to the Emergency Program Management Committee and Emergency Program Coordinator.
- Finalize the annual strategic plan and budget for presentation to Council.
- Approve emergency plans developed by the Emergency Program Management Committee.
Who We Are
The Executive Committee must comprise, at minimum:
- Two Council members (Chair and Vice-Chair)
- The Chief Administrative Officer
- Department heads or their designates.
The Committee will meet a minimum of twice per calendar year or at the call of the Chair or Vice-Chair. A Committee meeting schedule will be developed in consultation with the Financial Services Department to supplement the annual budget process.
No regular meetings will be scheduled during the summer and winter breaks (July, August, December).
Emergency Program Management Committee
Type: Select
District of Tofino Emergency Program Bylaw No. 1246, 2018 establishes the District of Tofino Emergency Management Organization in order to develop and implement emergency plans and other preparedness, response and recovery measures for emergencies and disasters within the District of Tofino.
The Management Committee serves as the primary planning vehicle between first responders and the District of Tofino. Community emergency preparedness will be discussed with the intent of developing pro-active plans in anticipation of emerging community safety issues.
The responsibilities of the Management Committee are advisory in nature, and include:
- Recommending emergency program priorities, procedures for implementation, strategic planning, action plans, budget and resource requirements to the Executive Committee.
- Evaluating the process of the emergency program.
- Recommending training and exercise opportunities to the Executive Committee.
Who We Are
The Management Committee must comprise, at minimum:
- The Emergency Program Coordinator to serve as Chair, and
- Three (3) representatives of agencies having direct operational responsibilities during a major emergency, as determined by the Emergency Program Coordinator. At the invitation of the Coordinator, members may include, but are not limited to, representatives of:
- Royal Canadian Mounted Police
- Tofino Volunteer Fire Department
- West Coast Inland Search and Rescue
- BC Ambulance Service
- Canadian Armed Forces
- District Staff
- Emergency Social Services
- First Nations
The Committee may also include representatives from agencies with an interest in safety, and bring in others for consultation and advice, at the discretion of the Coordinator.
The Committee will meet a minimum of twice per calendar year, or at the call of the Coordinator. A Committee meeting schedule will be developed in consultation with the Financial Services Department to supplement the annual budget process.
No regular meetings will be scheduled during the summer and winter breaks (July, August, December).
Events, Arts, Culture & Heritage Advisory Committee
Type: Select
In keeping with the Artistic Expression and Vibrancy goal of the 2014 - 2024 Tofino Arts and Culture Master Plan (2013), the District of Tofino wishes to encourage an artful and culturally engaged community. In 2018, the District of Tofino commissioned the Arts, Culture, Heritage Action Plan to provide a road map for Tofino’s arts, culture and heritage sector.
To move the Plan forward, a three-year Events, Arts, Culture and Heritage Working Group was established to collaborate, coordinate and liaise with District of Tofino staff, providing community input and subject matter expertise on matters relating to the EACH sector.
The Events, Arts, Culture and Heritage (EACH) Committee formalizes the role of the Working Group into a select committee of Council in order to meaningfully engage with the arts, culture and heritage communities over the long-term and use community expertise to target policies aimed at creating a more vibrant, engaged and accessible EACH sector.
The purpose of the Committee is to provide advice and make recommendations to Council on matters related to events, arts, culture and heritage. In accordance with its general purpose, the Committee will undertake the following:
- Review and recommend allocation of Arts, Culture and Heritage Grants;
- Review and recommend allocation of Event Support Grants;
- Provide input and recommendations to staff regarding event and arts support, investments in shared resources, and the implementation of the Arts, Culture, Heritage Action Plan; the Arts & Culture Master Plan; the Heritage Master Plan; and future District plans or strategies related to the EACH sector.
- Comment on and advising Council and staff regarding Arts, Culture and Heritage Grant or Event Support Grant processes and policies.
Public Art Advisory Committee
Type: Select
The role of the Public Art Advisory Committee is to provide advice and make recommendations to Council on matters related to Public Art. In accordance with the Guidelines for Public Art Projects (Point of View, 2014), the Committee will undertake advising the District of Tofino on public art issues and trends relevant to the Public Art Program and Policy or related public art initiatives, advise and consult on specific issues, such as donations, proposals and commissions of work, and determine the type of competition to be held for a particular art project, and to review the Call to Artists and the Competition Brief.
Who We Are
The Public Art Advisory Committee will consist of 5 members who are experienced and/or trained in aspects of visual art. The Committee will reflect Tofino’s cultural diversity and geographic setting.
Membership will be determined as follows:
- One member of Council to serve as Chair
- In the absence of the Chair, one member of Council to serve as Alternate Chair
- 4 community/stakeholder representatives from each of the following areas:
- 2 x Visual Artists
- 2 x Community Representatives
The Committee will meet a minimum of 3 times a year on the days and times specified in its regular meeting schedule to be established annually at the first meeting of the year.
Recreation Advisory Committee
Type: Select
The role of the Recreation Advisory Committee, formerly known as the Tofino Recreation Commission, is to provide advice and make recommendations to Council on matters related to recreational services and facilities within the municipal boundaries of the District of Tofino.
Who We Are
The Recreation Advisory Committee is established and its members appointed by the Tofino Council. The Committee consists of seven members of the public. The District's Recreation Programmer serves as staff liaison.
The Committee will consist of seven (7) voting members as follows:
- One (1) member of Council to serve as Chair, with one alternate
- One (1) member from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, to be appointed by the organization
- One (1) member representing local youth who shall be under the age of 19
- One (1) member representing the outdoor recreation community (parks, trails, beaches)
- One (1) member representing the indoor recreation community (facilities, programs, etc.)
- Two (2) members-at-large who reside within the municipal boundaries of Tofino