

your government

Your voice at the table

Guided by the community vision and goals for the future, District of Tofino Council and staff work together to articulate the strategic priorities and key deliverables.

The District of Tofino Council is made up of a Mayor and six Councillors who are each elected at large for a four-year term. The Mayor serves as the head of the municipality and chairs all Council meetings when in attendance. The Chief Administrative Officer reports to Council and directs staff to carry out the mandate of the organization and our priorities.

Info to know


Council Meetings

Keep up-to-date with District of Tofino projects and plans by attending Council meetings.

Learn more about Council Meetings


How to Participate

The District of Tofino Mayor and Council greatly value community input. There are various ways for community member to engage in the civic process.

Discover how to participate

Town Hall News & Announcements

Council Highlights

Council Highlights – Jan 11, 2022

January 13, 2022

Mayor Law spoke to the Omicron variant and COVID-19 protocols, including additional precautions in Municipal Hall and other District buildings. He expressed his thankfulness for the community and for vaccines, reiterating how fortunate we are to have these advances and how important it is for government to continue to take care of their communities.

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Council Highlights

Council Highlights – Dec 14, 2021

December 17, 2021

Mayor Law recapped a local government round table hosted by Minister of Municipal Affairs, the Honorable Josie Osborne and Minister of Indigenous Relations and Reconciliation, the Honorable Murray Rankin. There were over 44 mayors and chairs present for the discussions about local government efforts towards reconciliation across the island.

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Council Highlights

Council Highlights – Nov 23, 2021

November 26, 2021

Mayor Law spoke to the Remembrance Day ceremony, attended by Acting Mayor Tom Stere due to Mayor Law’s absence.
He also presented Trish Dixon with a Certificate of Recognition for 10 years with the District of Tofino.

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All Employment Opportunities

Facilities Maintenance Worker – Casual

July 19, 2024

The District of Tofino is looking for a qualified candidate to fill the casual position as a Facilities Maintenance Worker.
Reporting to Labour Foreperson, the Facilities Maintenance Worker is responsible for cleaning District facilities, washrooms, and fleet vehicles. These duties are generally physical in nature and require the use of simple tools, cleaning products and equipment.

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