Council Meetings

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Meeting Agendas, Minutes and Videos

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Regular Council Meetings

Regular Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Videos

*Note - Agendas are posted the Thursday prior to the scheduled meeting.

Special Council Meetings

Special Council meetings are held as needed to address emergent issues and those that require lengthy, substantive discussion on one item (such as the Municipal Budget). The District provides at least 24 hours notice of meeting, their general purpose, and the date and start time on the website, social media, and the bulletin board in the Municipal Office.

Special Council Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Videos

*Note - Agendas will be posted at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Videos

*Note - Agendas will be posted on the Thursday before the scheduled meeting.

Special Committee of the Whole

Special Committee of the Whole Meetings - Agendas, Minutes, Videos

*Note - Agendas will be posted at least 24 hours before the meeting.

Public Hearings

Public hearings allow affected citizens to provide their views to their elected representatives on planning and land use bylaws.

Participating in Zoom Meetings

To participate in a meeting online, you will first need to register. You can register at the top of the page under "Upcoming Meetings" by clicking the specific meeting you wish to register for.

This step is to help ensure that participants are representing themselves truthfully and accurately online. Once registration is complete, you will receive a confirmation email that contains the link to join the meeting.

Video Recordings of Council Meetings

The District of Tofino is committed to conducting meetings in an open and transparent manner. The District invites the community to watch live or view recorded Council Meetings on YouTube.

Recordings will be posted with the minutes within seven (7) days of a meeting and be accessible by clicking the video links above.